Piano dei trasporti del Luganese - PTL
Aims to improve the framework conditions for mobility, territorial organization, and the environmental setup of the Region.

As a framework planning tool, in line with the general objectives of the Piano direttore cantonale (Cantonal Master Plan) and the contents of the Piano di risanamento dell'aria (Air Remediation Plan), the Piano dei trasporti del Luganese - PTL (Luganese Transport Plan) aims to improve the framework conditions for mobility, territorial organization, and the environment in the Luganese region.
The PTL represents a set of works and measures with absolute priority for the infrastructural recovery of the Luganese area, providing it with framework conditions that enhance the quality of life and ensure attractiveness for economic growth.
The goal is to improve regional mobility by promoting a full integration of public and private transport services.
Strategic principles
- Ensure the Region has framework conditions that guarantee economic, social, and environmental attractiveness
- Improve the quality of life in the Luganese area and for its residents
- Enhance mobility through an integrated transport system
- Guarantee and offer free choice of transport mode at the regional level
Implemented projects
The PTL has been divided into several implementation phases. Regarding the City of Lugano, the first phase saw the completion of the following projects:
- Vedeggio-Cassarate Tunnel
- Piano della viabilità del Polo luganese - PVP (Lugano Mobility Plan)
- New SBB Station (phase 2 initiated)
Future projects
By 2033, the following works are planned to be completed:
- the first phase of the Lugano tram-train network (Lugano Center-Bioggio-Manno)
- the Lugano SBB Station (StazLu2)
- the Piano di pronto intervento del Vedeggio (Vedeggio emergency plan)
- the Piano di pronto intervento del Basso Malcantone (Lower Malcantone emergency plan), including the Ponte Tresa cycle-pedestrian bridge
- the final road network for the Cornaredo area (NQC)
- the Circonvallazione (bypass) Agno-Bioggio
- the Piano Scairolo road network
- the Cornaredo intermodal hub
- the Molinazzo intermodal hub
- the Lamone-Cadempino Park+Ride
- the regional cycling network
- the restructuring of the main access routes to the City at Massagno and Paradiso
- the redevelopment of Via San Gottardo in Savosa
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.