Incontri con gli agenti di quartiere
(Meetings with neighborhood officers) The campaign of the City of Lugano Police to promote informal meetings between citizens and the officers operating in the various districts.

The strong presence in the territory is one of the strengths of the Lugano Police, which for many years has focused on neighborhood officers, who play a crucial role in ensuring public order in what, for several years now, has been considered, based on data, the safest among the ten largest Swiss cities.
This is also thanks to an approach focused on prevention and early detection of problematic situations. Since 2022, regular cycles of meetings with the population have been organized in each district to offer citizens an opportunity to get to know their neighborhood officer informally, have conversations, request information, seek advice, and ask for help. The intention is to eliminate the distance that can arise between citizens and police officers, often perceived as unapproachable or difficult to engage with, but who, in reality, are at the population's disposal.
In light of the positive results achieved so far, a new cycle of meetings was confirmed, which took place between Monday, 11 November, and Wednesday, 27 November 2024. The meetings were held outdoors, mainly in squares but also in front of schools, former municipal houses, playgrounds, and some parking lots. The officers engaged with the public for two hours, using the service vehicle as a mobile office.
The meetings were again held in Muzzano and Sorengo, as well as in the districts of Lugano. Furthermore, for the first time, Melide also participated, having become the third municipality contracted with the city police in September 2024.
When and where to meet your district officer
Lunedì 18 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Via al Municipio, di fronte Scuole dell’infanzia
Lunedì 11 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Via Besso, incrocio con Via Cortivallo e Via al Colle
Martedì 12 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Parcheggio di Brè, Via Brè
Mercoledì 13 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Autosilo, Via Bassone
Giovedì 14 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Via Polar, altezza ufficio Postale
Martedì 19 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Esterno ufficio postale, Via dei Circoli
Venerdì 15 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Piazza Balmelli
Mercoledì 20 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Esterno ex casa Comunale, Via Principale
Lunedì 25 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Piazza della Riscossa
Mercoledì 20 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via Lambertenghi, altezza Parco giochi
Giovedì 21 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Parcheggio di via San Gottardo con i Piàn
Martedì 19 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Ex ufficio postale, strada Cantonale - Via della Posta
Venerdì 22 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Piazza Giambonini
Venerdì 22 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via Loreto di fronte al Centro la Piazzetta
Lunedì 25 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Piazza Molino Nuovo
Lunedì 18 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via Pian Scairolo di fronte al Puntocittà
Lunedì 11 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via Carona altezza fermata autopostale
Martedì 12 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via Industria, altezza campi da gioco
Mercoledì 13 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Parcheggio autosilo esterno sala Multiuso
Giovedì 14 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Parcheggio di fronte ex casa Comunale
Venerdì 15 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Parcheggio Piazzale Quadri
Giovedì 21 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Parcheggio pubblico Ra Stràda Cantonàl
Mercoledì 27 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Parcheggio pubblico
Martedì 26 novembre 2024, ore 14-16
Via alla Selva, Parcheggio pubblico
Martedì 26 novembre 2024, ore 9-11
Via Cortivallo, fronte Municipio
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.