Revision of the zoning plan for Brè-Aldesago
Planning studies for the district represent the first step towards the design of Lugano's new unified zoning plan.

The revision of the zoning plan (Piano regolatore, PR) for Brè-Aldesago represents the first step towards the design of Lugano's new unified zoning plan. The goal is to develop the guiding plan, draft the detailed plan for the historic cores of Brè and Aldesago, and redefine buildable areas, road networks, and landscape elements of the area, aligning the plan with the Territorial Development Law according to the principles of unity and urban planning quality.

With the launch of the zoning plan revision for the Brè and Aldesago district, the City of Lugano decided to actively involve its citizens. Con-i-cittadini (With the Citizens) supports the technical planning process by facilitating an exchange of information between authorities and residents.
Specifically, Con-i-cittadini focuses on:
- Proposing ideas and collecting suggestions;
- Promoting an exchange of perspectives regarding land management and its development;
- Informing residents and stakeholders about the scope of action within planning tools.
Engagement and revision: Two distinct phases
The information collected and the ideas generated during the engagement process do not replace the planning work, which results from a balancing of interests, a feasibility assessment, and a defined legal framework. The elements emerging from public engagement serve as inputs for the definition of planning tools or territorial policies.
The dialogue fosters a deeper exchange of information: the City of Lugano gathers needs and useful data while providing thorough information to the public. Meanwhile, residents and interest groups can express their needs and gain a better understanding of the alternatives and existing constraints.
The contribution of citizens through ideas and suggestions is invaluable.
The Con-i-cittadini project involved several meetings with the public.
The first meeting took place on 12 April 2018, followed by a survey distributed to residents of Brè and Aldesago.
A second meeting occurred on 10 November 2018, in Aldesago to inform residents about the planning scenarios being developed by the City Council of Lugano and to share the survey results, which had a response rate exceeding 20% of the households contacted.
Between 2019 and early 2020, the City Council analyzed the results of the public meetings, observations and contributions from individual citizens and associations, and the outcomes of a brief consultation on the presented planning scenarios. Based on these findings, the City Council oriented the development of the guiding plan for the zoning plan (PR) of Brè and Aldesago towards Scenario C and decided to adopt a Planning Zone to protect the objectives of the guiding plan.
The scenario and the planning zone were communicated to all residents of Brè and Aldesago through an information leaflet.
Guiding Plan for the Zoning Plan of Brè-Aldesago
Continuing the con-i-cittadini project and in line with the commitment to ensure maximum transparency and information on the ongoing planning process, in August 2020, the City Council decided to make the Guideline Plan of the PR for Brè-Aldesago available for public consultation and transmitted it to the Department of Territory. This public consultation was conducted "out of procedure" and did not entail any legal remedies.
The formal consultation of the documents, as required by the approval procedure (information and participation pursuant to Art. 26 Lst), was conducted following the Departmental Preliminary Examination between February and March 2024.
Next steps
The Guideline Plan documents were submitted to the Department of Territory of the Canton of Ticino for the preliminary examination, which has since been concluded.
Following the preliminary examination, the Guideline Plan was made available for public consultation (until 12 March 2024), offering the opportunity to provide feedback based on the prepared documents.
Taking into account the observations expressed by both the Department of Territory and the public, the City Council will draft the final documents for the revision of the PR for Brè and Aldesago.
At the beginning of 2025, there will be a new phase of public involvement in preparation for the drafting of the municipal message to be submitted to the City Parliament for a vote.
After the adoption vote by the City Parliament, if the outcome is positive, the documents will once again be published with the right to appeal. The planning documents and any appeals will then be submitted to the Council of State for final approval.
Documents (in Italian)
Last updated: 4 December 2024
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.