(Anticipate) Prevention and information campaign against burglaries in homes.

In 2017, in Switzerland, burglaries and unlawful entries amounted to 4.9 per 1,000 inhabitants, which corresponds to 113 burglaries per day. In Ticino, the frequency of this crime was 3.1 cases per 1,000 inhabitants, for a total of 1,112 recorded cases (more than 21 per week).
In the Lugano region, during the same year, with 485 recorded burglaries, the frequency was 3.3 burglaries per 1,000 inhabitants. Compared to previous years, the phenomenon has significantly decreased. Across the cantonal territory, the reduction compared to 2016 was 29%, while in the municipalities belonging to the Police Region 3 of Lugano, the decrease was even greater, with a 39% reduction in crimes.
This data is certainly encouraging, especially in light of the preventive efforts made by municipal police forces in the Lugano region in recent years, particularly through the widespread promotion of preventive advice from the Swiss Crime Prevention. Nevertheless, it is essential not to lower our guard, as burglary remains one of the most frequent crimes and one of the most sensitive due to the psychological consequences for those who have experienced a violation of their private space within their home. Moreover, with the arrival of summer, the chances of burglary could increase due to the prolonged absence of many citizens.
The campaign
To prevent the phenomenon of burglaries, the police forces of Region 3 of Lugano are launching the regional prevention campaign called "PREVEDERE".
The prevention campaign essentially renews the widespread information initiative launched a year ago in all households in the Lugano area and aims to further reduce the frequency of this type of crime by increasing the self-protection of potential victims.
To achieve this, it is important to anticipate and limit the opportunities available to thieves, especially through the adoption by potential victims of the 7 official tips from the Swiss Crime Prevention (PSC) against burglaries.
It is a three-day campaign with prevention and awareness-raising activities that cover all the municipalities in the Lugano area.
The campaign takes place, in practice, through:
- mobile meeting points lasting about three hours, either in the morning or in the afternoon, managed by municipal police officers in the various municipalities and districts, according to a pre-established schedule
- a permanent meeting point in Piazza Dante managed by the Police of the City of Lugano throughout the three days
- public information through the media, municipal websites, and postings on municipal notice boards, presenting the 7 official tips from the Swiss Crime Prevention (PSC) against burglaries
At the meeting points, the 7 official tips from the PSC against burglaries are recalled and promoted.
Citizens are thus updated on the local situation and can also obtain more targeted information by making specific requests to the officers regarding their personal situation.
The most effective prevention against burglaries is carried out by the citizen who best protects their home during their absence. For this reason, the implementation of the 7 official tips from the Swiss Crime Prevention (PSC) against burglaries is of fundamental importance.
Active collaboration from citizens also plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of police action. Evidence shows that the police often arrest offenders thanks to the cooperation of citizens. Therefore, the recommendation is to always and immediately call the police to report a burglary in progress or to report suspicious persons.
Three days of campaign
Eight regional municipal police forces involved
Over 60 police officers engaged in the campaign
Over 300 service hours dedicated to information activities throughout the territory
Over 90 meeting points held in the municipalities and districts of the Lugano region, where municipal police officers:
- Distributed 4,190 flyers with the 7 official tips from the Swiss Crime Prevention (PSC) against burglaries, along with brochures for further information
- Spoke with 3,482 people
- Scheduled 26 appointments for consultations directly at the homes of citizens who requested them
In Lugano alone, 293 citizens voluntarily participated in a short anonymous survey. From this, it emerges in particular that, among the respondents:
- About one-third of homes are not equipped with adequate alarm systems; the recommendation is to carefully assess one's own situation and consult experts to significantly reduce the risk of burglary using simple measures
- Almost all of the respondents maintain excellent relations with their neighbors; therefore, the suggestion is to take advantage of this favorable situation to mutually monitor each other's homes and report any unusual situations or suspicious movements to the police, especially during absences due to vacations
- Almost all of them believe that the campaign was useful
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.